We put in a Burpee strawberry pyramid. The odd shape is due to the non-level lawn.
We also put in an apricot tree. When we moved in, we thought it would be nice to commemorate the event by putting in a tree, and we thought a fruit tree might be nice. Last year around this time, we were busy stripping wallpaper, and by the time we got around to the nursery they were out of trees.
Remember this picture? It was one of the early shots of the back of the house.
It's just a little different now. When the construction was started, they stripped the topsoil and moved it off to the side. After the work was done, they came back in and regraded the back with the old topsoil, leaving us to do finish grading and to reseed and so on. Hopefully the grass will grow in soon. The snow finally melted away last week.